Complete stories

Tales Of Naomi – Episode 52 & 54

(Her Tender Heart…)

By; Succie.

EPISODE 53 & 54










Brielle quickly came out from her room.

“Mom, dad, did you hear that voice”. She asked.

And Susan and Dante looks at her.

“What voice”. Susan asked.

“I dunno, but it was Asif she was calling for help, she sounded like Naomi…is Naomi not yet back, she should be at home, evenif the man who framed her has been caught”. Brielle said worriedly.

“I’ll just call Bre, she told me Naomi spent the night at her house yesterday”.

Brielle crimps her hands as Susan calls Bre.

“Hello Aunt”.

“How’re you Bre”.

“Am fine Aunt”.

“Where’s Naomi”. Susan asked.

And Bre takes in her lips.

“Are you still there Bre”.

“Yes, I’m Aunt, Naomi is in my house, she wants to spend the night here, she got so tired from work and since my house was closer, she decided to spend the night here”. Bre said.

Jason and Mrs Barlow look around to see if Naomi was really in their house.

“Give her the phone”.

“Emm, she fast asleep Aunt”.

And Jason and mrs Barlow looks at her.

“Naomi is already sleeping”.

“Yes Aunt, she was so tired from all the work at the restaurant, immediately she took her shower, she dozed off completely, she didn’t even eat dinner”. Bre lied.

“Alright Bre, if she wakes tomorrow, tell her I want her back home, she has been spending too much time with you”.

“I’ll Aunt….Good night”. Bre said and ended the call.

“Why did you lie to Susan, Naomi is not here and you know it”. Mrs Barlow said.

“Is something you don’t have to know mom”. Bre said.

“What’re you and Naomi up to, are you corrupting Naomi now”. Jason asked.

“One word from you, am going to spank you”. Bre said.

And Jason went silent.

*That Naomi is even doing more than I had told her to do, can’t believe she spent the night at sir Alex’s house again, guess she enjoying every bit of it….I can’t wait to hear all the details*. Bre said inwardly smiling.

Mrs Barlow and Jason could only look at her, when it comes to Bre’s home, she was the queen of her house.

She was always do anything she pleases, unlike Naomi whose life is entirely controlled by her mom.


“What did Bre say”. Brielle asked.

“Naomi is in her house, and she’s already sleeping”.

Brielle gave out a sigh of relief.

“Where you sure about what you heard”. Dante asked.

“I guess I must have heard wrongly, I’ll just go to my room”. Brielle said.

“Alright Brielle”.



Naomi slowly opens her eyes , anticipating on where she was.

She remembered how she was abducted and tries to stand up, but discovered her legs were tied, and her hands were tied to the back.

She struggles to break free from the huge twisted rope but couldn’t.

“Somebody’s please help, help me please!!!!”. Her tender voice yells.

“Will you keep your voice Down”. Diego, the man who abducted her said.

Naomi looks at him, but she couldn’t see his face, since he was wearing a mask.

“What’ve I done to you, why did you abduct me, you good for nothing jerk!!”.

The man tries to slap her, but stop halfway, he pull her hair and Naomi groans in pain.

“You should be thankful someone ordered me not to touch even the slightest strand of your hair, if not, I’ll have dealt with you for using your useless leg on my precious d*ck”.

“Please am begging of you, let me go, I’ve done nothing to you”. Naomi said already in tears.

“Do you want to go home”.

And Naomi nods hicupping.

“Then call Alex”.

“W….why, what does he have to do with this”. She asked between tears.

“Everything Naomi, I only took you because I want to talk to him”. Diego said.

“I won’t call him, I won’t allow you to harm Alex!!”. She yells as more tears falls down her eyes.

“Don’t test my patience Naomi, am ready to disobey the orders given to me if you try to act stubborn, now call him”.

“I won’t, I won’t!!!!, I won’t allow you to hurt Alex for the second time!!”. She yells.

And Diego angrily points a gun at her.

“Will you call him, or rather die and go to the after life!!!”.

Naomi looks at him fearfully.



Alex sits in the bed after having his shower, he has talked to the Chinese clients and was now at home.

He sits in the bed, taking his phone in the process.

He looks at the phone log, but there was no call from LOVE BUG.

“She said she was going to call, but she hasn’t, did she forget”. He muttered.

He made to call her, but stop halfway.

“What if her mom picks it again”. He asked himself.

“But am so worried about her right now, I won’t be able to sleep without hearing her voice”.

And with that he called her, hoping she’ll be the one to pickup.


“Are you going to call him or not!!”. Diego yells at her, still pointing the gun at her.

“Why don’t you just kill me instead!!”. She yells hicupping in tears.

Diego pull the trigger at a corner, and the sound of the gun triggers Naomi, and she yells looking so scared.

Her phone rang and Diego snatched the phone from her.

“Who’s Leilani”. He asked.

But Naomi only hicups in tears, shaking in great fear.

“Who’s Leilani!!!”. Diego yells at her.

And when he saw she has no intention of talking, he was about ending the call, but mistakenly swipe green.

“Hello Love, why haven’t you been answering your phone, is your mom there with you” . Alex asked worriedly.

Diego smirks.

“Hello, Alex right” he asked.

And Alex quickly stood up from the bed.

“Who are you, and why did you have Naomi’s phone”. He asked with multiple panicks.

“That’s because she’s right here with me”. Diego said.

He signals Naomi to talk, and when she didn’t, he hits her, and Naomi screams in pain.

“Alex”. She said.

“Naomi, you monster why do you’ve Naomi!!”. Alex yells.

“Because am using her as a bait towards you”.

“What do you mean”. He asked.

“If you want Naomi, then you must bring Skype to me”.


“If you want Naomi saved and alive, you’ll have to drop down the case against Skype and bring him to me, on the location where I’ll direct you to”.

“Who are you”. Alex asked.

“Should I tell you who I’m, fine I’ll”. Diego said and slaps Naomi.

Naomi screams in pain.

“Naomi!, What the heck did you do her!!!”. Alex yells.

“I’ll do more cruel things to her, if you choose not to do as I have command”.

“Fine..fine I’ll do everything you want, I’ll do anything you want, but please don’t hurt Naomi, please”. Alex begs over the phone.

Naomi hicups in tears looking at Diego.

“Good decision Alex, just know you’ve just hour to bring Skype to me, or else your precious Naomi will be buried six feet under the ground”.



“Did I just hear you correctly you want to withdraw the case against Skype, and set him free”. Morris asked with unbelievable eyes.

“Yes Morris, give Skype to me”.

“But why Alex, did someone threaten you”. Morris asked.

*Don’t even think about getting the police involved in this cos if you do, you’ll be the reason why Naomi will die*. Diego voice echoes in his ear.

“No one threaten me Morris, I don’t want to go ahead with this case anymore, just handle Skype to me”.

“But Alex you…”.

“Are you deaf!!, am the victim here and am saying I want to end this case, just give Skype to me!!”. Alex yells at Morris.

He was running out of time, and he definitely don’t want anything to happen to Naomi because of him.

“Fine I’ll Alex”.



Skype looks at Alex and smirks.

“I told you didn’t I, my boss will definitely find a way to get me out of jail, and my boss is smart to have used the girl you love”.

“Just wait a little while Skype, you won’t be able to get out of next time”. Alex said and glared at him angrily.

His phone ring and he quickly picked, getting down from the car.

“Where’re you, I have Skype so give Naomi to me!”. Alex yells.

“Turn around”. Diego order.

Alex turns and sees Diego pointing a gun at the side of Naomi’s head.

She was hicupping in tears, and her tears wet her entire glasses and face.

“Naomi”. He said trying to go to her, but Diego points the gun at him.

“Not so fast Alex, where’s Skype”. He asked.

He shot the gun at the sky, Naomi screams shaking in fear.

She screams fearfully again, when Diego returns the gun back to her head.

“Don’t even think of shooting her, because I’ve Skype with me”. Alex said fearfully, since Diego still had the gun on Naomi’s head.

“Then bring him to me”. Diego ordered.

Alex quickly went to his car, he untied Skype and brings him out of the car.

“I got what you want, so give Naomi to me”. Alex said with his eyes on Naomi who was crying.

And it hurts him to see her in this State.

Alex pushed Skype to Diego’s direction and both flew into the nearby bush, pushing Naomi to the floor, dropping her phone too.

“Love”. Alex said and rushed to her.

“Are you alright love, did he hurt you”. Alex asked caressing her face worriedly.

Naomi looks at him with glassy eyes.

“I was so scared Xander, I…I…thought he was going to kill me, I was scared”. Naomi said crying.

Alex hugs her patting her.

“Am so sorry Naomi, am sorry you were in danger again because of me, am sorry”. Alex apologize with wetty eyes as he continues patting Naomi who kept crying.


“Is a good Vivi was able to come up with an idea of getting you out of jail, I thought I told you to stay in the country side, so why did you come back to Houston”. Emilia asked.

“I just came here to get some few things ok, you should be thankful that I trust you, else I’ll have told your son that your the one who wants him dead”.

Emilia went shut.

“Did you hurt her”. Kingston asked and Vivi looks at him.

“No I didn’t, but just a little since she was being hardheaded”. Diego said.

“I thought I told you not to touch even the slightest strand of her hair!”. Kingston yells.

“And why’re you yelling at him, whether Naomi gets hurt or not, is none of your business right”. Vivi said.

And Kingston looks at her.

“Skype I want you to leave Texas for good, call me anytime you need money, but don’t you ever come back to Texas”.

“Are you saying you won’t need me to do your dirty job for you”.

“For now No”. Emilia said.


Bre quickly came out from her house and meet Alex outside.

“Where’s she”. Bre asked worriedly.

Alex told her everything on his way here.

“She’s already sleeping”. Alex answers.

Bre looks at Naomi in the car and she’s sound asleep.

“Why was Naomi used as a bait sir Alex”.

“I guess his knows Naomi is my weakness”.

“So you already withdraw the case”.

“Yes, Naomi’s life matters to me the most, I believe one-day they all going to pay for what they did”.

Bre sighs.

“Am sorry your best friend got in danger because of me”.

“Is not your fault sir Alex, but is a good thing nothing serious happen to Naomi, else her mom will have gone wild again….but don’t worry sir Alex, I won’t say a word about this”.

“Thanks Bre”.

Bre smiles.


The following day, the early morning sun shine on Naomi’s face and she reluctantly opens her eyes.

“Xander”. She muttered.

“Your boyfriend is not here”. Bre said.

Naomi blurry looks at her, and when she sees it was Bre, she sat upright.

“What am I doing here”.

“Sir Alex brought you here, I guess he was feeling so guilty to have take you to his house”.

Naomi looks at her.

Bre sighs and sits on the bed.

“Don’t look at me that way Naomi, sir Alex told me everything, and am glad you weren’t hurt”. Bre said touching her face.

“But thanks to me, the case was dropped, I wish I wasn’t a weakling, maybe this won’t have happened”. Naomi said sadly.

“Don’t blame yourself Naomi, neither you or sir Alex was at fault, blame the people who want him dead”.

“Was he okay last night”. She asked.

And Bre shakes her head.

“No he wasn’t, he seems like he cried”.

Naomi Sighs.

“Am sure his still blaming himself for what happened to me”. Naomi muttered.

“Yeah he is, but that is that, you are here and alive….so how was your first night with him, am so dieing to hear all the details”.

“We didn’t do it”.

“Huh, why”.

“He said he can’t have s*x with him because our relationship is still a secret to everyone except for you who knows about us”.

“Wow, his really a rare gem to find, hold him tight and never let him go, if it was to be other guys they won’t hesitate to do it with you.”

“I know and that’s why I love him, and no matter the danger I face because of him, am still going to keep on loving him…am lucky to have him”.

“And his also lucky to have you too Naomi, your unique”. Bre said resting her head on Naomi’s shoulder.

Naomi smiles.

Her phone rang and when she checked the caller, she gasps.

“Bre is my mom”.

“Don’t tense up too much Naomi, I told your mom you spend the night here, and you obviously did”.

Naomi smiles at Bre before swiping green.

“Hello Mom”.

“Naomi please come home, something happen to your father”. Susan said crying

“What happened to dad!!”. Naomi exclaims.


Naomi rushly enters the house, and instead of meeting her mom crying like she was doing on the phone, she was busy decorating their sitting room.

“Mom, what’s going on, I thought you said something happen to dad, where’s he”. Naomi asked worriedly.

“Your dad is in his repair shop”. She said smiling.

“Then why did you say something happen to dad over the phone”.

“I just wanted you to come home quickly”.

Naomi arch her eyebrows looking Confused.

“You can come out now”. Susan said smiling.

Finn came out from the inner room playing a romantic blues song with a violin.

“Finn”. Naomi muttered looking surprised to see him and she keeps on asking herself why Finn was playing the violin, which is obviously for her.

Susan was just smiling, enjoy every bit of the senerio going on.

Finn continues playing the violin as he slowly walks towards Naomi.

He went on his knees when he got to her.

“Naomi, you know I love you so much right, and I want us to spend the rest of our lives together, cos I really love you so much my sweetheart”. Finn said

Susan smiles affectionately, while Naomi was just looking at Finn, short of words.

Finn brought out a jewelry box from his inner pocket, he opens it and brought out a silver ring.

“Naomi, will you marry me”.

Susan smiles

And Naomi’s eyes went wide open in shock.


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